All children at Tom Thumb Nursery have a learning journey book. This is unique to your child and is a record of a child’s learning and development throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage, this record will be built up over the years and will show many achievements. The child’s key person will tailor activities and experiences to the child’s individual needs and observations/ photos from these activities will be recorded in the child’s learning journey.
A child’s learning journey may contain the following:
annotated photographs
snapshots of significant achievements
quotes from the child
comments from the parents/carers
contributions from other settings the child attends
We liaise with parents to find out what your child is doing at home; this information will be recorded in the child’s learning journey and we ask you to complete ‘An interest at home’ sheet. This can be anything from celebrating a special event, going on holiday, enjoying a new food, learning to ride a bike, the arrival of a new sibling or family pet etc.
Key workers observe the children through play and this helps to show progression, understanding and areas that a child may be struggling with.
We believe paper based learning journeys are a great way to celebrate children’s achievements. A learning journey should be about documenting children’s learning in a visual way, it shouldn’t be about ticking boxes, etc. it should be a reflection of children’s wow moments that are new to the child. Parent’s often treasure the learning journey for years as it acts a special memory of their time with us. We love them!
Examples of Jasper’s book
Examples from Rafe’s book