We are very proud of our OUTSTANDING Ofsted Report, you can read our report below..
50212422 (ofsted.gov.uk)
What an inspection looks like
Inspectors want to know what it is like for your child at our setting and it gives us an opportunity for us to showcase everything we do!! They will spend most of their time observing the daily routines and activities that staff provide. This helps the inspectors to judge how well the we promote children’s learning, progress, safety and well-being. It also means that they can tell us what we are doing well and what we could do to improve.
You will also have the opportunity to share your views with the inspector on the day.
Inspectors will not do anything that disrupts children’s daily routine. They will explain to staff that their care for the children must still be their priority. The inspector will work around them and the children.
Some of the things inspectors do on an inspection are:
look at how we keep children safe
watch the children play and the opportunities they have
ask children what they’re learning from the activities and experiences staff provide them with
ask staff about how engaged the children are and how much they understand
talk to parents about what they think of the care and education provided
observe the interactions between the staff and children and how well we support their communication and language development
talk to staff about their assessment of what children know and can do, and how they are supporting children to develop further
make sure that the staff meet all their legal responsibilities, including for vulnerable children
At the end of the inspection, the inspector will tell us what the judgement is. They will also go through the findings and tell us what our strengths and weaknesses are.
Inspectors judge nursery on the following areas:
overall effectiveness
the quality of education
behaviour and attitudes
personal development
leadership and management